Krissy Clarke

Kristen “Krissy” Clarke Height: 5’2 Weight: 150 Lbs Age: 18
Krissy is a short girl with dark, freckled skin and seafoam green hair. She’s extremely voloptuous, hiding immense, canteloupe sized breasts and a huge bubble butt beneath the large black hoodie she’s always wearing.
She’s often wearing cat eared headphones, making it hard for people to grab her attention if not directly in front of her.
A very bubbly, energetic girl, Krissy is always bouncing around and skipping. Unfortunately this hyperactivity, combined with her nerdy interests and frequent moving has seen her labeled a “weirdo” and “freak.”, and she has trouble making friends. In private, she’s often crying, as seen by the darkness under her eyes.
Krissy was born in the USA, but has spent the majority of her life overseas due to her father’s military career. This has made it difficult for her to make friends, giving her a lonely, isolated life despite her outward, bubbly personality. She’s lived in Kabocha for two years now, previously living on the other side of Japan, and before that in Germany.
Intoductory Arc:
Krissy first appeared in the hallway during Leo’s first day back at school, bewildering the already distraught Tachibana boy with her Chuunibyou way of speaking and invite to the Anime club. She was depressed to hear that he wasn’t interested, whispering to herself that she just had to keep looking for members.

“Pumpkin Academy Curves Club!”
Fitness Exam Arc:
Krissy next appeared as Leo walked to school, comparing the absentminded boy to Lion, the main character of the anime Pumpkin Academy Curves Club that she’d been watching. She yet again extended an invite to the anime club, saying that she’d be screening the series today. Leo would yet again reject her. As she sped away on her scooter however, she would accidentally drop the Curves Club tape…
During Satou’s fitness exam, he would extend an offer for Krissy to join his newfound fitness club, and she would respond that she’d only join if everyone involved also joined her anime club.
Later in the day, she would be seen observing Mako’s confession to Lisbeth with a forlorn look on her face…
Teenage Dirtbags Arc:
During the big spring monsoon, Krissy noticed the banter between the boys of class 3-A.
Later in the day, while Leo searched to see if Satou was still there to take him home, he heard noise from down the hall. Walking into the room, he discovered Krissy, waiting for people to show up for anime club. She was absolutely ecstatic to see him, thinking that Leo had decided to finally join her… only to be shot down when he revealed how bad the weather was. Taking her chance, she asked him to join the club anyway for the night, seeing as the weather wasn’t going to let them leave anytime soon anyway. Leo would reluctantly accept, revealing that he had her Curves Club tape and had watched it, wanting to see more…
As they sat down to watch more of the retro anime, Krissy would strike up a conversation about Leo’s crush on Hana, seeing the way he reacted to the relationship between Lion and Rabbit in the series. Leo would then ask her if she was attracted to anyone… and he was able to deduce that she had a crush on Mako, a fellow classmate and member of the real life Curves Club he had been drug to…
Their conversation would be interrupted by Krissy’s tummy rumbing, and Leo offered her donuts he had planned to give to the absent Hana. Krissy was hesitant to try them, hearing the rumors about their awful taste. Seeing his hurt expression however, she decided to give them a try. To her surprise, the Donuts were delicious, the best she’d ever had! Leo watched in shock as she scarfed them down, only stopping when the box was empty. He would be even more shocked to see her gut, bloated out of her uniform! Krissy then asked Leo to leave the room for a moment so she could change.
Returning to the classroom, Leo was shocked to see Krissy nearly naked, only wearing her uniform tights…

Wanna rub my Belly, Leo?
She asked, then begged for Leo to rub and fondle her belly, telling him to close his eyes and imagine that she was Hana, while she imagined that he was Mako. Krissy told him through tear soaked eyes how lonely she was, how she hoped him touching her would make her feel like less of a ghost.
After a brief hesitation Leo would refuse, draping his sweater over Krissy’s bare breasts. The awkward moment would be broken by a car horn, Leo’s sister Masako arriving to rescue him from the rain. Broken out of her fugue state, she asked for Leo to leave the room again so she could change. When he returned, she apologized, asking him to forget that event had just happened and giving him the next Curves Club tape.
Outside, Krissy would be introduced to Masako who, desparate for more employees at her cafe, offered her a job. Seeing that the Anime Club was a bust, she accepted the position, despite Hana’s protestations.
A few days later, Leo arrived at the Cafe to see Krissy and Hana sporting a skimpy variant of the waitress uniform, turning red and running off. She thought they were cute, while Hana threatened to quit over them…
Hybrid Rainbow Arc:
While the girls were changing back into their uniforms after swim class, Krissy came to Hana’s defense during a fight, telling Himiko that Lisbeth had started the altercation, not Hana. This resulted in Himiko going after Krissy, becoming a bigger fight than even the one between Hana and Lisbeth…

Krissy in her Cafe Uniform. She’s proven to be quite popular, being requested by regulars over the moody Hana.
Leo is Krissy’s best (and right now only) friend. She’s entrusted him with his crush on Mako.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t somewhat attracted to him as well, but her heart bleeds more for Mako.
Krissy has an extreme crush on Mako, but Mako doesn’t seem to know she exists…
Krissy’s coworker at the Kabocha Cafe. She wants to be her friend, but the tiny terror is hard to approach. Recently, Krissy has come to Hana’s defense when it comes to her tense situation with Lisbeth, one of the Tiny Terror’s only supporters.
Krissy’s boss at the Kabocha Cafe. She thinks her teasing attitude is cute.
-Krissy’s “Chuunibyou” traits, talking as if she were a character in a fantasy world and such have been downplayed since her introduction, the character developing into a more standard nerd/weaboo type. Perhaps she was obsessed with a fantasy anime at the time.